Here we compile a list of our publications and talks. You’ll find publications at the top and talks lower down. You can also filter using the drop down below. Content type - Any -TalkPublication Known mechanisms that increase nuclear fusion rates in the solid state Intermediate An Ambidextrous Approach to Nuclear Energy Innovation Novice nuclear fusion The emergence of quantum energy science Novice quantum Lowest-order relativistic interaction between lattice vibrations and internal degrees of freedom of a nucleus Advanced quantum A Quantum Dynamics Model for LENR Intermediate quantum Advanced Quantum Simulations with QuTiP: a gateway to understanding anomalies in hydrogen loaded metals Intermediate quantum Quantum-Augmented Nuclear Engineering Intermediate quantum The Emergence of Quantum Energy Science as a New Field of Study Novice quantum Solid State Fusion as an Emerging Field: Past and Present Novice nuclear fusion Toward a LENR reference experiment Intermediate Models for Accelerated Nuclear De-excitation: Dicke-enhanced excitation transfer on the 14.4 keV transition in Fe-57 Advanced Making Sense of Solid-State Fusion with Known Physics Intermediate quantum Solid State Fusion The Formation of a Scientific Field Novice nuclear fusion